Anesthesia free teeth cleaning for dogs & cats.

We deep clean your pet’s teeth safely, without anesthesia. Your pet’s teeth need regular deep cleanings just like humans to help prevent periodontal disease, which can cause bad breath, gum and tooth loss.


Our non-anesthetic dentals help reduce the risk of bacterial infections such as periodontal disease, which adversely affects your pet’s overall health, causing chronic pain, gum inflammation and, in severe cases, bone loss and organ failure.

To avoid these health risks, your pet should have a deep dental cleaning every 6 months.

You no longer need to put your Pets to sleep just for a Dental Cleaning. We offer a non-surgical alternative for keeping your pet happy and healthy with a Dental Clean.

First, we gently swaddle your pet to ensure it feels safe. Then, we begin the dental cleaning by removing the plaque and calculus on your pet’s teeth. We further clean the bacteria under the gum line and finish by polishing, wiping, and rinsing the mouth.

Our Work Approach

What Exactly is a Non-Anesthetic Pet Dental?

It’s precisely what you imagine. A pet teeth cleaning without anesthesia that takes a 5-step approach:

1. Remove Plaque &

2. Clean Under the

3. Polish the Surfaces

4. Wipe Debris

5. Rinse for Freshness

Skipping routine dental cleanings can lead to periodontal disease.

Canine periodontal disease is a bacterial infection caused by the accumulation of plaque and calculus.

Pet’s’ teeth need regular deep cleanings to help prevent the progression of plaque and avoid severe periodontitis, which may erode gums, cause chronic pain and lead to bone loss. This infection would require anesthetic treatment.

Want your buddy to have a healthy smile?

Book an anesthesia-free dental appointment today.

Non-Anesthetic vs. Anesthetic Dentals

Here’s a breakdown below of the main differences between each.

Without Anesthesia

With Anesthesia

Safe & Affordable non-anesthetic dental cleanings

Deep Cleanings

We deep clean your pet’s teeth to get rid of bad breath and harmful bacteria.

Gentle Care

We use calming techniques instead of anesthesia to relax your pet while thoroughly cleaning their teeth.

Affordable Price

The procedure ranges in price from $150 to $200 depending on pet size.

Why schedule a House Call?

Why schedule a House Call?

Benefits of Booking a Dental at Home

House calls are for any pet

However, they’re especially beneficial for:

Senior Pets

That are more sensitive to driving and environmental changes

Anxious Pets

That usually have a difficult time whenever they’re out of their comfort zone

Seriously ill Pets

Who should probably remain home for their own safety


Request Booking

We Can Come to You, Our team takes care of everything in the comfort of your home.